Thursday, January 24, 2013

Blogacize Me!

1. Link to the person who tagged you East Side Professor

2. Post these rules on your blog

3. Tell about your six quirks, see below.

4. Tag three bloggers to do the same
Every problem has a solution
Living the Daydreams
Slice of Life Flavored Cheesecake

5. Leave them a comment to let them know you’ve tagged them

My six quirks:

1. If I don't have my planner, with everything written down for me to follow or semi-follow I will fall apart and forget certain things I was supposed to do. Some days I will just go with the flow but for the most part I like to be organized and cannot stand it when I am not. Therefore I bring my planner everywhere!

2. I worry a lot, almost to much some days. Sometimes over little things, things that are months from now, and over nothing at all. Once I start worrying I won't stop until I have everything figured out and under control that is were my planner come in hand.

3. If something is bothering me, you wouldn't even know because I'm good at hiding it with a smile, unless I want you to know.

4. I am a helpful, caring person, who loves to talk your ear off and give some advice when is asked for. I would put anyone first before myself and I cannot stand fighting and will do anything to avoid one. 

5. I am a clean/neat freak. If the dishes are dirty I am right there to clean them, my room is spot less and I always keep things in the same place.  When I get bored I like to clean, sometimes I will clean the same thing three times in one day because I actually have nothing else to do or I am just procrastinating on something that needs to get done and I don't feel like doing it at the moment.


  1. Your need for cleanliness and organization is something I can definitely relate to!
