Monday, April 15, 2013

About Blogging

I've never really heard much about blogging until my Creative Writing teacher told us that we would be doing it as a class assignment. I actually enjoy blogging! It is a great way to be able to write about anything and everything. I hope that I will continue to blog down the road. Sometimes I tend to get busy and side tracked from things. I hope that everyone who reads my posts had a good time reading them! I had a great time reading everyone else's!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Long Distance Sucks

Being 500 miles away from your significant other sucks especially when you only get to see them once every two weeks or even once a month. I have never been good at long distance but I wanted to make this work. Now I have been with Cameron for 9 months and wow has the time just flew by. Feels only like 3 months with how much I've gotten to see him over this period of time. It frustrates me that I don't get the attention I'd like and I get jealous often only because I want to be with him when he is with co-workers/friends and the same goes for him as well. Also the fighting has slowly gotten worse and it sucks because how can you fix something when the other person is another state away?? You both need to trust each other and stop worrying. That doesn't mean you stop caring. I definitely think that being apart makes us stronger and I cannot wait till we can be closer to each other. But in other relationships the distance either makes or breaks a couple. If you truly love the person you stick together and work out the problems and differences and make it worth it.

That is my vent of the day. It sucks but it's worth it in the end. <3

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sitting in the Commons

So here I sit in the commons. Smacking my lips while I chew this almost flavorless spearmint gum. I'm talking to Jon, Ryan and Abby listening and joining the conversation among us. They are eating French fries with cheese, bacon, green onions and red tomatoes. The smell is fabulous and the taste is so delicious it will leave your mouth watering for more. The fries are greasy crispy and others feel soggy against my finger tips. It's amazing how you use your senses every day and it is so effortless to do yet very important to us. We do not realize how important these things are until we loose them. Cherish the little things in life. That is all.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Concert Time!

Mikaila: "Cameron hurry up! We only have a half an hour to get ready before we need to be at Brittany's!"
Cameron:  "Are you serious we are going to go two hours early?"
Mikaila: "Well that's what time Brittany and Konner want to leave. It's going to be busy and I don't want to wait in line."
Cameron: "Fine.."
Mikaila: "Cheer up! Now can you please get ready, look for a shirt in my closet for me to wear and wet your hair so I can style it?"
Cameron: "I am ready! Okay, I'll go get it wet."

As this conversation is happening I am in the bathroom straightening my hair, doing my make-up and Cameron is in my  bedroom getting ready. He gets dressed picks out a shirt for me and comes into the bathroom. We exchange spots I go into my bedroom and put on the rest of my outfit while he dips his head under the shower head. I walk back to the bathroom.

Mikaila: "Can you brush your hair please?"
Cameron: "Okay."          
Minutes later.. Cameron: "How's this look?"
His hair is slicked back while he is giggling!
I yell! "Noooooo!! ha-ha Please shake it out."
He walks back into my room. While I am putting on my make -up.
He comes back and asks. "How does this look?" "Hey what are you doing?!"
Mikaila: "I'm putting on my make-up!"
Cameron: "I've never seen you do it this way!"
Mikaila: "Welll.... I do it like this every once and awhile."

I finish putting on my make-up and start to do his hair. Once I finish doing his hair he leaves and gets the tickets ready while I finish putting on my new lipstick I bought.

He looks at me.
Cameron: "Babe, you look beautiful..."
He walks over to me and gives me kiss.
Mikaila: "Thanks."
My cheeks start to flush a bright red and I cannot help but smile from ear to ear.
Mikaila: "Now lets get going to the concert!"
Cameron: "Okay, thanks again for getting me tickets. I cannot wait for tonight!"

I took his first concert virginity! Jason Aldean, Jake Owen and Thomas Rhett. :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Classified Ad... Story..?

In the Grand Forks Classifieds there this horses for sale from the same owner.

They are up for sale because the owner cannot keep up with the feeding, grooming, and nuturing of the horses and have to up and move from the farm because of their business job. The offer that was given to them was to big of an offer to give up. They cannot bring the horses with them since they have to move into the city life.

 It's a lot of work for a person to take care of these big gentle animals. Especially when they are always busy with work and do not have time to ride them. It would only be fair to have the animals sold to someone who would be able to spend time and ride the horses. Horses love to be givin attention and when they do not recieve the attention they want they will remember that and can start to have an attitude. The owner does not want them to feel unloved. These horses are loveable and keep you on your toes. Showing and teaching you things that you did not know that will make you and the horse have a better connection with each other. As you will teach them things that they aren't use to and show them how things are to be done when you are in control.  

Monday, March 4, 2013

Oh the joys of Hunting!

I love to deer hunt. I have been doing it ever since I was a little girl with my father. Occasionally I would go on hunts for small game but have yet to shoot anything. I have never really thought of hunting for anything else besides deer.

That was until I met my boyfriend Cameron. He loves to hunt, it is literally his "LIFE" lives, breaths, and sleeps hunting. He loves to hunt geese, ducks, deer, any kind of animal. We are going to go shed hunting in a couple of weeks for antlers. Doing this can tell you  about a deer. It is also a plus to find some antlers to decorate you home with.

This year he is going to teach me how to bow hunt along with goose hunting. I cannot explain to you how excited I am to learn! Most people would think that all hunting is the same but it isn't. With every animal that you hunt there are different techniques to use. Where your stand or blind should be, how to set up the decoys, the wind, weather, food plots or what type of crop they like best. It will be interesting learning these new ways to hunting. I am so ecstatic about it but I know that I will have to practice a lot in order to met mine and his expectations but that is a challenge I am up for. Practice makes perfect. I'm glad I found someone who has the same interests as me and is willing to show/teach me new things!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Itchy Feet

Oh my! I certainly got "Itchy Feet" right now! I just found out that Sleeping with Sirens is going to be in Fargo, North Dakota on April 7! I am so excited because I absolutely love this band! My friend told me about them last year and ever since I've been obsessed! I'm also a very happy girl because I got Jason Aldean tickets, We-Fest tickets, and am going to Yellowstone this summer, won a trip to Mexico at work! Once I see something I want I go for it and dont' stop till I get it! On sunny nice days they make me want to hop in my car and drive to Montana to see my wonderful boyfriend but the only thing that stops me is school and work! I wish it was closer then I'd be on road trips all the time!! :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

100 things I love & 100 things I hate.

I can say that there are 100 things I like but I'll try my best to tell you 100 things that I hate. I'm not a very hateful person I like to be Happy Happy Happy! Hate is a strong word so these things are things I don't like or care for.

Things I Love

1.     My boyfriend (Cameron Kimble)

2.     My Family

3.     Friends

4.     Horses

5.     Rabbits

6.     Basketball

7.     Hockey

8.     Camping

9.     Fishing

10.   Deer Hunting

11.   Swimming

12.   Running

13.   Banana Cream Pie Blizzards

14.   Shopping at Forever 21

15.   Uggs

16.   Miss Me Jeans

17.   Victoria Secret Bras

18.   Theodore Roosevelt National Park

19.   Grouse Hunting

20.  Yoga Pants

21.   Wine-Mascato

22.  Bacardi Lemon

23.  Baseball

24.  Long walks during the summer

25.  Warroad, Minnesota

26.  Mall of America

27.  Dogs-Labs, German Short Hairs

28.  Visiting new places

29.  Duluth, Minnesota

30.  Mantrap, Minnesota

31.   Beef taco’s from M & K

32.  Pita Pit

33.  Cheeseburgers & French Fries from McDonalds

34.  Buns and butter from Texas Roadhouse

35.  My concoction at Cherry Berry

36.  Target for the organization and their sport bras

37.  Scheels for workout clothes

38.   Cabela’s for hunting clothing

39.  Simonson gas stations

40.  Color of the rainbow (especially purple)

41.   Cameron’s truck

42.  My Silver Pontiac Grand Prix ‘01

43.   Jewelry

44.  Purses

45.  Scarfs

46.  Animated Movies

47.  Love Movies

48.  Romantic/Comedy Movies

49.  Horror Movies

50.  A nice clean white smile

51.   Nike shoes

52.  Cuddling

53.  Kisses

54.  Cleaning my room or apartment

55.  Baking

56.  Chinese Food

57.  My school Dad (aka Mr. Snowdon)

58.  Brittany Edgar

59.  Motivation to workout

60.  Jason Aldean

61.   Chris Young

62.  Country Music

63.  Rap Music

64.  Rock Music

65.  Alternative Music

66.  The people I work with at Whiteys

67.  Hot Chocolate with lots of marshmallows

68.  Smores

69.  Fruit

70.  Veggies

71.   Meat (Beef, Chicken, Pork)

72.  Native American Arts

73.  Some of my High School Teachers

74.  Malt-O-Meal

75.  Baby food-mostly the fruit

76.  Deep fried pickles

77.  Bubble Tea

78.  Taking Pictures

79.  My smart phone

80.  Facebook

81.   Sweatpants and Sweatshirts

82.  Flowers

83.  Fuzzy Warm Blankets

84.  North Face clothing

85.  Columbia clothing

86.  Nike clothing

87.  Underarmer Clothing

88.  Buffalo Wild Wings

89.  Making Money and Saving it

90.  Candles

91.   Hair Cuts

92.  Pedicures & Manicures

93.  Full body Massages

94.  Potato Klub

95.  Lefsa

96.  Pumpkin, Lemon Meringue, Banana Cream Pie

97.  Tanning

98.  Tattoos

99.  Chocolate (All Sorts)

100.                Summer

Things I Hate

1.     Rude People

2.     Yellow teeth

3.     Snakes

4.     Spiders

5.     Shrimp

6.     Greedy People

7.     Pickled Fish

8.     Beets

9.     Being Stressed Out

10.   Being Annoyed

11.   Liars

12.   Cheaters

13.   Drunks

14.   People Who Do Drugs

15.   Pressure

16.   Money

17.   Taxes

18.   Technology When It Doesn’t Work

19.   Chalk

20.  Scallops

21.   Mushrooms

22.  Chicken Liver Pate

23.  Gizzards

24.  Messy places (makes me want to clean)

25.  Chewing Tobacco

26.  The smell of strong alcohol

27.  When cops follow you

28.  Getting pulled over

29.  Paying for things

30.  Jazz Music

31.   50’s & 60’s Music

32.  Cornrows

33.  Dreadlocks

34.  Slow Internet

35.  Cutting myself shaving

36.  Getting pimples

37.  Messing up on homework

38.  People who play with my emotions

39.  People who smell awful in a public place

40.  Seeing people’s fat hang out in public

41.   When my socks fall off in my shoes

42.  Getting snow in my shoes

43.  Getting stuck in snow

44.  Winter in general

45.  Self-centered people

46.  Getting my period

47.  Having Cramps

48.  Buying tampons

49.  People who have a bad day and ruin yours

50.  Funerals

51.   Getting yelled at

52.  Fighting with people

53.  Missing out on things

54.  Buying Gas

55.  Divorces

56.  Falling short of expectations

57.  Getting lots

58.  Girls with underwear lines

59.  Making big life decisions alone

60.  Loneliness

61.   Paper cuts

62.  Spoiled Milk

63.  Morning breath

64.  Slow drivers

65.  Hate tearing my ACL

66.  Miss attention

67.  Puking

68.  People who don’t listen to you

69.  Paying bills

70.  People treat me like a child

71.   Red lights when you’re in a hurry

72.  Squishy grapes

73.  Speed bumps

74.  Sweaty arm pits

75.  Waking up before 8am

76.  Waking up cold

77.  Waking up to go pee

78.  Headaches and Migraines

79.  Icy roads

80.  Greasy hair

81.   No hot water

82.  Screaming children

83.  Sore muscles

84.  When things break

85.  Being bored

86.  Dry skin

87.  Dust

88.  Dogs that always bark

89.  Not going home when I want

90.  Not having cable

91.   Sunburns

92.  Asthma

93.  Not being as good at basketball as I once was

94.  Bird poop on my car

95.  People who cut in line

96.  Spelling

97.  Waiting in line

98.  Diets

99.  Bleu Cheese Dressing

100.                Annoying laughs