Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Concert Time!

Mikaila: "Cameron hurry up! We only have a half an hour to get ready before we need to be at Brittany's!"
Cameron:  "Are you serious we are going to go two hours early?"
Mikaila: "Well that's what time Brittany and Konner want to leave. It's going to be busy and I don't want to wait in line."
Cameron: "Fine.."
Mikaila: "Cheer up! Now can you please get ready, look for a shirt in my closet for me to wear and wet your hair so I can style it?"
Cameron: "I am ready! Okay, I'll go get it wet."

As this conversation is happening I am in the bathroom straightening my hair, doing my make-up and Cameron is in my  bedroom getting ready. He gets dressed picks out a shirt for me and comes into the bathroom. We exchange spots I go into my bedroom and put on the rest of my outfit while he dips his head under the shower head. I walk back to the bathroom.

Mikaila: "Can you brush your hair please?"
Cameron: "Okay."          
Minutes later.. Cameron: "How's this look?"
His hair is slicked back while he is giggling!
I yell! "Noooooo!! ha-ha Please shake it out."
He walks back into my room. While I am putting on my make -up.
He comes back and asks. "How does this look?" "Hey what are you doing?!"
Mikaila: "I'm putting on my make-up!"
Cameron: "I've never seen you do it this way!"
Mikaila: "Welll.... I do it like this every once and awhile."

I finish putting on my make-up and start to do his hair. Once I finish doing his hair he leaves and gets the tickets ready while I finish putting on my new lipstick I bought.

He looks at me.
Cameron: "Babe, you look beautiful..."
He walks over to me and gives me kiss.
Mikaila: "Thanks."
My cheeks start to flush a bright red and I cannot help but smile from ear to ear.
Mikaila: "Now lets get going to the concert!"
Cameron: "Okay, thanks again for getting me tickets. I cannot wait for tonight!"

I took his first concert virginity! Jason Aldean, Jake Owen and Thomas Rhett. :)

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