Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Concert Time!

Mikaila: "Cameron hurry up! We only have a half an hour to get ready before we need to be at Brittany's!"
Cameron:  "Are you serious we are going to go two hours early?"
Mikaila: "Well that's what time Brittany and Konner want to leave. It's going to be busy and I don't want to wait in line."
Cameron: "Fine.."
Mikaila: "Cheer up! Now can you please get ready, look for a shirt in my closet for me to wear and wet your hair so I can style it?"
Cameron: "I am ready! Okay, I'll go get it wet."

As this conversation is happening I am in the bathroom straightening my hair, doing my make-up and Cameron is in my  bedroom getting ready. He gets dressed picks out a shirt for me and comes into the bathroom. We exchange spots I go into my bedroom and put on the rest of my outfit while he dips his head under the shower head. I walk back to the bathroom.

Mikaila: "Can you brush your hair please?"
Cameron: "Okay."          
Minutes later.. Cameron: "How's this look?"
His hair is slicked back while he is giggling!
I yell! "Noooooo!! ha-ha Please shake it out."
He walks back into my room. While I am putting on my make -up.
He comes back and asks. "How does this look?" "Hey what are you doing?!"
Mikaila: "I'm putting on my make-up!"
Cameron: "I've never seen you do it this way!"
Mikaila: "Welll.... I do it like this every once and awhile."

I finish putting on my make-up and start to do his hair. Once I finish doing his hair he leaves and gets the tickets ready while I finish putting on my new lipstick I bought.

He looks at me.
Cameron: "Babe, you look beautiful..."
He walks over to me and gives me kiss.
Mikaila: "Thanks."
My cheeks start to flush a bright red and I cannot help but smile from ear to ear.
Mikaila: "Now lets get going to the concert!"
Cameron: "Okay, thanks again for getting me tickets. I cannot wait for tonight!"

I took his first concert virginity! Jason Aldean, Jake Owen and Thomas Rhett. :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Classified Ad... Story..?

In the Grand Forks Classifieds there this horses for sale from the same owner.

They are up for sale because the owner cannot keep up with the feeding, grooming, and nuturing of the horses and have to up and move from the farm because of their business job. The offer that was given to them was to big of an offer to give up. They cannot bring the horses with them since they have to move into the city life.

 It's a lot of work for a person to take care of these big gentle animals. Especially when they are always busy with work and do not have time to ride them. It would only be fair to have the animals sold to someone who would be able to spend time and ride the horses. Horses love to be givin attention and when they do not recieve the attention they want they will remember that and can start to have an attitude. The owner does not want them to feel unloved. These horses are loveable and keep you on your toes. Showing and teaching you things that you did not know that will make you and the horse have a better connection with each other. As you will teach them things that they aren't use to and show them how things are to be done when you are in control.  

Monday, March 4, 2013

Oh the joys of Hunting!

I love to deer hunt. I have been doing it ever since I was a little girl with my father. Occasionally I would go on hunts for small game but have yet to shoot anything. I have never really thought of hunting for anything else besides deer.

That was until I met my boyfriend Cameron. He loves to hunt, it is literally his "LIFE" lives, breaths, and sleeps hunting. He loves to hunt geese, ducks, deer, any kind of animal. We are going to go shed hunting in a couple of weeks for antlers. Doing this can tell you  about a deer. It is also a plus to find some antlers to decorate you home with.

This year he is going to teach me how to bow hunt along with goose hunting. I cannot explain to you how excited I am to learn! Most people would think that all hunting is the same but it isn't. With every animal that you hunt there are different techniques to use. Where your stand or blind should be, how to set up the decoys, the wind, weather, food plots or what type of crop they like best. It will be interesting learning these new ways to hunting. I am so ecstatic about it but I know that I will have to practice a lot in order to met mine and his expectations but that is a challenge I am up for. Practice makes perfect. I'm glad I found someone who has the same interests as me and is willing to show/teach me new things!