Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Favorite Memory

I can't say that I have just one favorite memory because that'd be like saying what is your favorite song? I have lots of favorite songs, not just one in particular.

I would have to say my most recent favorite memory was my trip to Montana. I had to drive all the way across North Dakota, which I've never done before or have I ever drove in a vehicle for more than four hours so this six and a half hour drive was very interesting. The part that was my favorite was the scenery. Wow, did I not know the world was so beautiful. Well, I did but I've never seen a canyon before or such big hills, which I called mountains at first. I have never really been in any other state, and if I have it was in and out or passing through, so I've never seen much. I went out to visit my boyfriend and he showed me a lot of neat things such as multiple hills, I saw a tree that turned into a rock, told me that they once found dinosaur bones in one area, the oil rigs, where he works, and antelope! I was in such awe by everything I'd say I was in love with the world. Now since I've seen a little part of the world, I have added more things to my bucket list and plan to cross some things off very soon! I'm actually headed out to Montana this weekend for Valentines Day! :)  Here are a couple of pictures I took when I was out there. I will post some of Theodore Roosevelt National Park when I head there this weekend!

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