Monday, April 15, 2013

About Blogging

I've never really heard much about blogging until my Creative Writing teacher told us that we would be doing it as a class assignment. I actually enjoy blogging! It is a great way to be able to write about anything and everything. I hope that I will continue to blog down the road. Sometimes I tend to get busy and side tracked from things. I hope that everyone who reads my posts had a good time reading them! I had a great time reading everyone else's!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Long Distance Sucks

Being 500 miles away from your significant other sucks especially when you only get to see them once every two weeks or even once a month. I have never been good at long distance but I wanted to make this work. Now I have been with Cameron for 9 months and wow has the time just flew by. Feels only like 3 months with how much I've gotten to see him over this period of time. It frustrates me that I don't get the attention I'd like and I get jealous often only because I want to be with him when he is with co-workers/friends and the same goes for him as well. Also the fighting has slowly gotten worse and it sucks because how can you fix something when the other person is another state away?? You both need to trust each other and stop worrying. That doesn't mean you stop caring. I definitely think that being apart makes us stronger and I cannot wait till we can be closer to each other. But in other relationships the distance either makes or breaks a couple. If you truly love the person you stick together and work out the problems and differences and make it worth it.

That is my vent of the day. It sucks but it's worth it in the end. <3

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sitting in the Commons

So here I sit in the commons. Smacking my lips while I chew this almost flavorless spearmint gum. I'm talking to Jon, Ryan and Abby listening and joining the conversation among us. They are eating French fries with cheese, bacon, green onions and red tomatoes. The smell is fabulous and the taste is so delicious it will leave your mouth watering for more. The fries are greasy crispy and others feel soggy against my finger tips. It's amazing how you use your senses every day and it is so effortless to do yet very important to us. We do not realize how important these things are until we loose them. Cherish the little things in life. That is all.